出版科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (5): 109-.

• 港澳台出版 国外出版 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘忠波 [韩] 李贞玉   

  1. (南开大学文学院,天津,300071)(南开大学历史学院,天津,300071)
  • 出版日期:2017-09-15 发布日期:2017-09-15
  • 作者简介: 刘忠波,文学博士,南开大学文学院传播学系副教授,硕士生导师 ;[ 韩 ] 李贞玉,文学博士,南开大学历史学 院博士后,助理研究员。
  • 基金资助:

     本文系韩国高等教育财团 2014—2015 年度 ISEF 项目资助成果。

Strategic Layout and Implementation Mode of the Development of South Korea’s Digital Publishing Industry

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2017-09-15


 近 10 年来,韩国政府重视出版产业的持续发展,数字出版比重增加,制定了一系列激活数字出版的战略规划。以对优秀电子书的发掘和制作的支援作为支点,是韩国数字出版产业发展的基本策略。同时,大力推进数字出版的制作技术和信息技术服务体系。韩国政府致力于改善数字出版的制度和法制环境,实施数字出版税收政策优惠,重视数字出版的专业教育和社会推广。韩国政府计划统合纸质书与电子书的流通方式,建立更为健康的出版流通秩序。


Over the past decade, the South Korean government has paid great attention to the sustained development of the publishing industry with an increased proportion of digital publishing. A series of strategic plans to activate the digital publishing have been formulated. The basic strategy for the development of South Korea’s digital publishing industry is to take the support for excavation and production of excellent E-books as the pivot, while vigorously promoting the service systems for production and information technology of digital publishing. Striving to improve the institutional and legal environments for digital publishing, the South Korean government has implemented preferential tax policies for digital publishing and has highly valued its professional education and social promotion. Moreover, South Korea’s publishing industry plans to integrate the circulation ways of paper books and E-books to establish a healthier circulation order for publishing.