出版科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 45-.

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王 宏   

  1. ( 河北大学新闻传播学院,保定,071002)
  • 出版日期:2011-07-15 发布日期:2011-07-15
  • 作者简介:王宏,河北大学新闻传播学院讲师。

  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15


对古典文学名著现代出版凸显出来的问题进行分析。 目前市场中古典文学名著重复出版现象严重,
选题策划具有很大局限性, 古典文学名著应该走大众化道路, 针对不同的读者进行分层出版。 同时, 在装帧
设计上, 要准确把握图书艺术性与商品性的双重属性。 面向市场, 最终实现由数字化向数字出版的转变。


This article analyzes several problems appeared in modern publishing of Classical Literature. The
phenomenon of duplicate publishing about Classical Literature is so serious in the current market, and the topic
selection has great limitations. Classical literature should be published in a popular style and stratified for different
readers. Meanwhile, the dual property of art and commodity must be accurately grasped in graphic design.
Face to the market, in order to realize the transform from digitalization to digital publishing .