出版科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 48-.

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捅破这层纸还要多久?— — 数字出版的发展与十字路口的纸质出版业

张 平   

  1. (江苏教育出版社,南京, 210009)
  • 出版日期:2010-07-15 发布日期:2010-07-15
  • 作者简介:张平,江苏教出版社副编审。

  • Online:2010-07-15 Published:2010-07-15


纸质出版业自进入 21 世纪以来, 已经遇到前所未有的发展障碍和严重挑战。 伫立于十字路口的
纸质出版业迅速变得如纸一般地单薄脆弱, 在无色的数字风暴中飘摇动荡。 就像当年电脑照排对铅字排版的无
情冲击一样, 所谓数字化出版对纸质出版也同样露出冷酷无情的表情。 捅破这层纸有多难?


Since 21st century, paper-based publishing industry has encountered unprecedented obstacles and
challenges. Standing at the crossroads, paper-based publishing industry is rapidly becoming an old lighthouse in storm
and flux. CTP technology eliminated the movable type technology violently and inexorably, just as the digital publishing
shows itself. How long could the old lighthouse stands?