出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 24-.

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  1. (南京邮电大学传媒与艺术学院,南京,210003)(南京大学信息管理学院,南京,210023)
  • 出版日期:2024-03-15 发布日期:2024-04-09
  • 作者简介:付国乐,南京邮电大学传媒与艺术学院讲师 ;张志强,南京大学信息管理学院教授、博士生导师。
  • 基金资助:

Construction and Application of Social Function Evaluation System of Academic Journals : Taking English-Language Journals Funded by the Excellence Action Plan for China Scientific Journals as an Example

  1. (College of Media and Art, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication, Nanjing, 210003)(School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210023)
  • Online:2024-03-15 Published:2024-04-09


从学术期刊基本学术功能出发,厘清从学术功能衍生到社会功能的路径,构建学术期刊社会功能评价体系。社会功能评价体系强调期刊的社会性规制,含政治引导、伦理规范、经济影响与社会影响评价维度,具有“中国特色”。社会功能评价对于中国英文科技期刊国际化发展具有产业迫切性。中国英文科技期刊国际化发展出现的出版诚信、“地图”等问题,需以社会功能评价为指导进行评价。选取 10 本受中国卓越计划资助的中国英文科技期刊,应用社会功能评价体系进行评价,提出中国英文科技期刊在冲击“世界一流”的国际化办刊中,既要遵守社会功能评价的政治引导和伦理规范 ;又要重视市场化程度和公共领域参与度,把经济影响和社会影响纳入考核体系中。社会功能评价体系可以解决国内中英文期刊评价的唯 SCI“至上”问题,引导学术期刊回归办刊初心。


This study starts with the basic academic functions of academic journals, clarifies the path from academic functions to social functions, and constructs the evaluation system of social functions of academic journals. The social function evaluation system has “Chinese characteristics” for its focus on journals’ social regulation and multiple evaluation dimensions like political guidance, ethical norms, economic impacts and social impacts. Social function evaluation is of industrial urgency for the international development of China’ s English language scientific journals. Due to problems such as publishing integrity and “map”, the guidance of social function evaluation is necessary. In this study, 10 English-language scientific journals funded by the China Excellence Program are evaluated based on the social function evaluation system. It suggests that in promoting China’ s English-language scientific journals into world first-class ones, political guidance and ethical norms of social function evaluation should be followed, and marketization and participation in public spheres should be emphasized to include economic and social impacts in the evaluation system. The social function evaluation system could help China solve SCI “supremacy” in the evaluation of its Chinese and English journals and steer academic journals back to their original intention of running journals.

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