出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 21-.

• 理论探索 • 上一篇    下一篇

“数字科技 - 出版”原态 —基于海德格尔本体论解释学的数字出版本体思考


  1. 上海理工大学出版学院 / 数字文明研究院
  • 出版日期:2024-06-18 发布日期:2024-06-18
  • 作者简介:张新新,上海理工大学出版学院 / 数字文明研究院教授、博士生导师。
  • 基金资助:

“Digital Technology-Publishing” Original State : Digital Publishing Ontology Thinking Based on Heidegger’ s Ontological Hermeneutics

  1. College of Publishing / Institute for Digital Civilization
  • Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-18

摘要: 分析“研究对象说”“预设前提说”对构建数字出版本体的进步与不足,基于整合性 理论建构方法,引入数字出版“存在 - 存在者”的理论框架。论述研究对象、预设前提作为数字 出版学科本体的两个核心要素,指出数字出版研究对象是数字出版学科的“存在者”,即数字出版 活动 ;阐明数字出版预设前提是数字出版学科的“存在”,即“数字科技 - 出版”原态,能够蕴含 和幻化出各种数字出版行为、数字出版现象,通过数字出版活动这个“存在者”“行为、现象的总 和”来加以显示,其自身是不显示的。后从“驱动力、新形态和新结构、价值创造活动和出版发展” 四个要素系统诠释了“数字科技 - 出版”原态。

关键词: 数字出版本体 “数字科技 - 出版”原态 数字出版研究对象 出版高质量发展

Abstract: The analysis evaluates the advancements and limitations of the“ research object theory” and“ presupposition theory” in constructing the ontology of digital publishing. Utilizing an integrative theoretical construction method, this study introduces the theoretical framework of“ being-beings” in digital publishing. It discusses the research object and presupposition as two core elements of the ontology of the digital publishing discipline. The research object is identified as the“ beings” of the digital publishing discipline, specifically digital publishing activities. The presupposition is clarified as the“ being” of the digital publishing discipline, which is the original state of“ digital technology-publishing”. This original state encompasses and transforms into various digital publishing behaviors and phenomena, manifested through the digital publishing activities, the“ beings” as the“ sum of behaviors and phenomena”, while it itself remains vague. Furthermore, the study systematically explicates the“ digital technology-publishing” original state through four elements : driving forces, new forms and structures, value creation activities, and publishing development.

Key words: Digital publishing ontology “Digital technology-publishing” original state  Digital publishing research object High-quality development of publishing
