出版科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 12-.

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  1. 北京外国语大学国际新闻与传播学院,北京,100089
  • 出版日期:2024-01-15 发布日期:2024-01-15
  • 作者简介:段乐川,北京外国语大学国际新闻与传播学院教授。
  • 基金资助:
    本文系国家社会科学基金项目“5G 时代主流媒体智能编辑部建设研究”(20BXW026)阶段性成果。

Epistemological Reflection on the Concept of Editing—Focusing on the Discussion of the Concept of “Two Kinds of Editing”

  1. School of International Journalism and Communication , Beijing Foreign Studies University,
    Beijing, 100089
  • Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-01-15


在编辑概念界定的过程中,曾出现过“两种编辑”概念的讨论。一种从出版职业性出发来认识编辑概念,把其明确为编辑走向职业化之后的产物 ;另一种秉持编辑活动“古已有之”的观点,把其界定为古今同质的文化创构活动。“两种编辑”概念差异的背后是基于认识论的不同而形成的不同概念认知逻辑。前者接近一种建构主义的认识论,后者则是本质主义的认识论。编辑概念的科学认知,不仅要正视两种认识论的差异,更要实现认识论的革新转向,即从“作为方法的概念”到“作为概念的方法”,从“作为历史的概念”到“作为实践的概念”的转变。


In the process of defining the concept of editing, there has been a discussion on the concept of “two types of editing”. One perspective originates from the professionalization of the publishing industry, defining editing as a product that emerges after the professionalization of editing. The other perspective, rooted in the belief that editing activities have existed since ancient times, defines editing as a cultural construction activity that has remained homogeneous throughout history. The divergence between the concepts of “two types of editing” is based on different epistemological perspectives, with the former leaning towards a constructivist epistemology and the latter adhering to an essentialist epistemology. The scientific cognition of the editing concept requires not only acknowledging the differences between these epistemologies but also a transformative shift in epistemology – a transition from “concept as a method” to “method as a concept”, and from “concept as history” to “concept as practice”.
