出版科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 14-.
• 博士论坛 • 上一篇 下一篇
李 频
摘要: 中国社会转型深刻地影响了中国出版转型,中国出版转型又严正地要求出版教育转型。本文采用纵 贯与横剖相结合的分析方法,将近 30 年的编辑出版教育划分为创始阶段、发展阶段、转型阶段,分别提出针 对该阶段要讨论的问题,从而合成出版专业教育转型问题单。
Abstract: China’ s social transition has exerted a profound impact on the transition of publication. And the transition of publication has solemnly required the transition of the publishing professional education accordingly. This paper uses the analysis method of combining the longitudinal and horizontal section, divides the education of the edting and publishing which has a history of almost 30 years into three phases: start-up phase, development phase and transition phase, and proposes issues of the transition on the publishing professional education to be discussed of each stage.
李 频. 出版专业教育转型分析框架略述————问题单及其结构的试清理[J]. 出版科学, 2011, 19(2): 14-.
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