出版科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 103-.
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范 军
在调查大量资料基础上, 对 2006— 2010 年中国出版史研究情况进行阶段性总结, 重点概述出版 史料、 出版通史、 断代出版史、 出版专题史、 革命出版史、 地区出版史六个方面的成绩与进展; 并就进一步加 强出版学和出版史的基本理论研究, 加强出版史料的搜集、 整理和刊行, 加强政府对出版史研究的扶持, 提出 建设性意见。
关键词: 出版史研究 丨出版史料 , 丨综述
On the basis of a survey of large amounts of data, this thesis has made a stage summary on the study of Chinese publication history, making a key overview of achievements and progress in six areas on historical materials of publication, publication history from 2006 to 2010, fragmental publication history, specific-topic publication history, revolutional publication history and regional publication history. Furthermore, this thesis puts forward constructive suggestions on how to further strengthen the basic theorectical study of publishing and publishing history, the collection, arrangement and circulation of historical materials of publication, and how to strengthen the support of the government on the study of publishing history.
范 军. 中国出版史研究综述[J]. 出版科学, 2010, 18(5): 103-.
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