出版科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 85-.

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  1. (江苏人民出版社, 南京, 210000)
  • 出版日期:2018-11-15 发布日期:2018-11-15
  • 作者简介:魏维嘉,江苏人民出版社

Enlightenments from Amazon Books to Chinese Traditional Bookstores

  • Online:2018-11-15 Published:2018-11-15


近年来, 网络书店的兴起让传统实体书店的经营举步维艰。 然而, 亚马逊图书零售业务从线上延伸
至线下, 开设实体书店, 引起美国出版业内的密切关注。 相较于传统书店, 亚马逊实体书店有哪些特点和不同?
可以给国内书店带来启示? 本文通过对亚马逊实体书店的特点分析, 认为亚马逊打通线上线下通道, 运用线上
数据对线下图书的选择、 摆放、 销售做出指导, 相较于传统书店的经营方式是一种创新。 本文认为, 目前国内
新零售模式正在摸索阶段, 亚马逊书店的经营理念可以给正在力图创新的中国传统书店带来启示, 具有很高的


In recent years, the rise of online bookstore has made it difficult for traditional bookstore
to operate. However, Amazon’s book retail business has expanded from online to offline with the
opening of Amazon Books, which has attracted close attention of America publishing industry. What are
the characteristics and differences of Amazon Books compared to traditional bookstore? Can it bring
enlightenment to domestic bookstores? Through analyzing the characteristics of Amazon Books, this paper
believes that Amazon has connected online and offline channels and used online data to guide the selection,
placement and sales of books, which is a kind of innovation compared with the traditional bookstore. This
paper also believes that the new retail business in domestic is at the exploratory stage, the business
philosophy of Amazon bookstore can bring some enlightenment to the traditional Chinese bookstores that are
trying to innovate, which has great reference value.