出版科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 76-.

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覃 凡   

  1. (四川大学文学与新闻学院, 成都, 610064)
  • 出版日期:2018-01-15 发布日期:2018-01-15
  • 作者简介:覃凡,四川大学文学与新闻学院 2016 级硕士生。

On the Operation of University Presses’“Weibo, WeChat, App” Platform

  • Online:2018-01-15 Published:2018-01-15


为了解大学出版社“两微一端”平台运营现状及存在的问题, 本文采用网络调研法, 并结合内容分
析和统计分析的方法, 调查分析 88 家大学出版社微博、 微信公众号和移动客户端的基本数据。 结果发现 : 大学
出版社“两微一端”平台运营水平参差不齐, 部分大学出版社尚未开通“两微”账号, 很多大学出版社尚未开
发移动客户端。 大学出版社要提高“两微一端”运营水平, 实现移动化转型, 应注意 : 避免盲目开通账号 ; 选
择合适的发布频率和时间 ; 通过账号认证 ; 根据出版社的使用定位选择合适的公众号类型 ; 结合出版社的资源
开发特色 App。

关键词: 大学出版社 , ▏ 微博▏  微信 ▏ 两微一端 ▏ 运营


To know about the current situation and existing problems of the“Weibo, WeChat, App”
platforms of university press, this paper uses the method of network investigation, combining content
analysis and statistical analysis, this paper investigates and analyzes the basic data of 88 university press
Weibo, WeChat official accounts and App. The results showed that the operating level of“Weibo, WeChat,
App” platform of university press is uneven. Some university press have not yet opened“Weibo, WeChat”
accounts. Many university press have not yet developed App.University press want to improve the operation
level of“Weibo, WeChat, App” and realize the mobile transformation, should pay attention to : avoid blindly
opening accounts; select the appropriate release frequency and time; through account authentication; select
the appropriate type of official accounts according to the use of the press; combining resource of the press,
developed special App.