出版科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 37-.

• 编辑学 编辑工作 • 上一篇    下一篇

对学术期刊内容质量的新理解— — 基于纸质阅读与数据库阅读的差异化视角

方 志   

  1. (《 人口与经济》编辑部,北京,100070)
  • 出版日期:2013-07-15 发布日期:2013-07-15
  • 作者简介:方志,《 人口与经济》编辑部编辑。

  • Online:2013-07-15 Published:2013-07-15


纸质学术期刊发展困境的并非是笼统的网络阅读, 而仅是数据库阅读。 正是目前大规模发展的数据库“ 割裂
式” 阅读方式, 造成对纸质学术期刊品牌的重大伤害。 学术期刊应该从纸质阅读与数据库阅读的差异化视角,
重新审视内容质量, 在比较两种阅读方式的基础上, 确认符合自身发展利益的 “ 整体内容质量” 观念。


Based on the comparative analysis on the differential readers between the paper reading and the
internet reading, this article points out that it is not so much the network reading as the database reading which
brings about the development dilemma of the traditional paper learned periodicals. Because it is the large-scale
split reading model of the database reading, not others, that depressed the power of the brand of the learned
periodicals. Also, the article considers that the learned periodicals must rethink the quality of their contents provided
the different reading models between the papers and the database. Only in this way, the learned periodicals
can establish the overall quality of the content which can benefit themselves most.