出版科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 97-.

• 出版史 出版文化 • 上一篇    下一篇


江 凌   

  1. ( 上海交通大学国家文化产业创新与发展研究基地,上海,200430)
  • 出版日期:2012-01-15 发布日期:2012-01-15
  • 作者简介:江凌,史学博士,新闻学博士后,上海交通大学国家文化产业创新与发展研究基地研究人员。

  • Online:2012-01-15 Published:2012-01-15


全国解放初期, 中央出版管理部门和一些较大的出版机构掀起一股创办内部刊物的小高潮。 这些刊
物及时传达党的出版方针、 政策, 定期公布内部出版计划和工作进度, 重视业务交流, 注重出版物的质量、
发行和读者工作, 善于总结经验和不足, 加强了出版管理机构和出版单位之间的 “ 政策中介” 功能, 促进了
出版单位内部各部门之间、 员工之间的信息沟通和业务交流, 对于当时出版单位有计划、 抓管理、 善经营的
良性发展和出版物质量的提升以及出版发行工作迈向新台阶, 大有裨益。

关键词: 解放初期丨 中央出版机构 , 丨内部刊物 , 丨基本特征 , 丨经验启示


In national liberation beginning period, some central publishing management departments and some larger
publishing houses rised a small climax of founding internal periodicals. These periodicals were published in a timely manner to convey the party’s principles, policies, and regularly announced publishing plans and the work within the publishing
schedule, focused on business communication and the quality of publication, distribution, readers’ work, summing
up experience and lack of management institutions, acted as “ policy intermediary” function between the publishing
management agencies and publishing corperations, promoted business and communication exchanges between the various
departments within the publishing unit. It is great benefitted to today’s publishing corperations the quality of publications
and publishing work.