出版科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 5-.

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既出好书,又出人才— —“ 中青人才辈出”现象探讨

周 奇   

  1. ( 中国工人出版社,北京,100120)
  • 出版日期:2011-07-15 发布日期:2011-07-15
  • 作者简介:周奇,中国工人出版社编审。

  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15


中国青年出版社成立于 1951 年, 随着新中国的成长而壮大, 早在上世纪 60 年代就已成为中国知
名出版社, 不仅出版了许多优秀书刊, 而且造就了许多编辑出版人才。 其原因在于: 相对稳定的编辑队伍,
学做编辑先学做人的编辑思想, 继承和发扬“ 开明传统”, 严密的编辑工作规程, 以及把实践经验上升为理

关键词: 中国青年出版社 丨好书 , 丨编辑丨 人才


Chinese Youth Press was founded in 1951 and growed with the New China. It has been wellknown publishers of China since the 1960s, not only published many excellent books, but also trained lots of
talents for editing and publishing. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, including the relatively stable
editorial team, the editorial spirit that you are men before you learn to edit, the enlightened tradition of inheriting
and developing, the strict editing procedures, the ability of transforming the the practical experience into theoretical research.