出版科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 92-.

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万荣水 曾文耀   

  1. (南华大学华文出版趋势研究中心,嘉义)(南华大学出版与文化事业管理研究所, 嘉义)
  • 出版日期:2009-05-15 发布日期:2009-05-15
  • 作者简介:万荣水,南华大学华文出版趋势研究中心主任,武汉大学暨河北大学客座教授;曾文耀,南华大学出版与文化事业 管理研究所研究生。

  • Online:2009-05-15 Published:2009-05-15


主要探讨台湾图书产业销售结款制度转向之症结与趋向。 2004 年以来台湾图书产业面临销售率
陡降等诸多问题, 2008 年更引爆了两大连锁通路商收款制度的转变。 逢此巨变, 产业链的上下游各环节都面临
着极大的应变问题, 甚至面临能否继续生存的压力。 本文分析的重点包括产业链各层面受到的冲击, 以及整个
产业以结款制度为基础的未来发展态势。 根据研析, 不仅产业链的上下游关系将持续调整, 长程而言整个发行
体系可能被迫重新定位, 改变角色。

关键词: 图书销售 丨结账制度 , 丨月结制丨 销结制丨 产业变迁


Analyzes the transformation of payment system in the publishing industry in Taiwan. Based on such
analyses, this paper also explores industrial trends in the future. Publishing industry encountered many difficulties from
serious drop in the sales rate in 2004. Two largest chain retailers then, in 2008, called for major changes in the payment
system developed from early years of the industry. These changes imposed severe survival challenges to all firms along
the industrial chain. This paper focuses on different impacts upstream and downstream firms face and from which to
provide insights into industry development under new payment system in the future. Besides continuous related adjustments
within the industrial chain, this paper argues that the publishing industry as a whole may be forced to re-situate itself and
change its role in relation to the upstream and downstream firms.