出版科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 39-.

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李正元 刘传红   

  1. (《 中国地质大学学报( 社科版)》编辑部,武汉,430074)
  • 出版日期:2009-05-15 发布日期:2009-05-15
  • 作者简介:李正元,《 中国地质大学学报( 社科版)》主编,研究员;刘传红,《 中国地质大学学报( 社科版)》副编审,博士。

  • Online:2009-05-15 Published:2009-05-15


理工类院校综合性社科学报有其产生的必然性和存在的合理性, 然而人们却对它抱有偏见。 在
高校综合性社科学报中, 理工类院校综合性社科学报发展最快, 具有良好的发展态势。 但要办成有影响的学术
刊物, 必须克服路径依赖, 以科学发展观为指导, 实行开放办刊和匿名双向审稿制度, 还要扬长避短, 努力办
出特色, 建设一支高素质的学者型编辑队伍。

关键词: 综合性社科学报 丨发展趋势丨 发展策略 , 丨理工类院校


There are the necessity and reason of existence of the comprehensive social sciences journals in the universities of science and technology, although they suffer prejudice. In the college comprehensive social science journals, those from the universities of science and technology have developed fastest. In order to make them influential,
we must overcome path-reliance, take the Scientific Developing View as our guide and implement an opening-up policy
of journal management and anonymous double-way manuscript examining system. Moreover, we should cherish our
advantages and avoid the deficiencies with an effort to make them distinctively characteristic, and establish a team of
scholar editors.