出版科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 87-.

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陌生化排版与双语词典例句翻译功能的拓展— — 基于传播学视角的实证研究

李 涛 徐 芳   

  1. ( 广东外语外贸大学,广州,510420() 安徽财经大学,蚌埠,233030)
  • 出版日期:2009-03-15 发布日期:2009-03-15
  • 作者简介:李涛,广东外语外贸大学词典学研究中心 2007 级硕士生;徐芳,安徽财经大学助教。

  • Online:2009-03-15 Published:2009-03-15


译文的排版对翻译的传播效果十分重要, 在双语词典例句翻译中添加特殊的排版效果, 即实施
陌生化排版操作, 有利于双语词典功能的拓展, 增强其传播效果。 本文从传播学的视角, 通过对排版与传播效
果之间关系进行的实证调查, 深入探讨陌生化排版对双语词典例句翻译功能的影响, 提出辅以陌生化排版来保
证和增强译文的传播效果, 进而增强双语词典的功用及其传播。


Typesetting of the target text has a great influence on its communication effect. The implementation of
defamiliarized typesetting of examples will amplify the function of such kind of dictionary, and moreover, will enhance its
communication effect. This paper, from the perspective of communications, particularly through the empirical study of the
influence that typesetting has on the communication effect, probes into how defamiliarized typesetting influences the translation
of examples in bilingual dictionary and proposes that we should ensure and enhance the communication effect of translated
examples with defamiliarized typesetting. Thus the function and the spread of bilingual dictionaries are to be promoted.