出版科学 ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 86-.

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传奇人生的不平凡开章— — 中华书局创始人陆费逵早岁经历

吴 燕   

  1. ( 南京大学信息管理系,南京,210093)
  • 出版日期:2008-07-15 发布日期:2008-07-15
  • 作者简介:吴燕,博士,南京大学信息管理系讲师。

  • Online:2008-07-15 Published:2008-07-15


中华书局创始人、 杰出的出版家陆费逵先生成长的年代正是中国近代史上风云突变的年代, 新
旧思潮激烈碰撞。 陆费逵在青少年时接受母亲的开明教育, 并养成刻苦自修的良好习惯, 其坚韧不拨、 踏实肯
干、 勤奋好学的性格特征, 向往进步、 志向远大的思想倾向已初步形成, 其善于经营的商业才干也初露端倪。
本文介绍陆费逵青少年时代的成长经历, 并剖析这种经历对他的影响。


The growing age of Lu Feikui, the founder of Zhonghua Publishing Company and famous publisher, was changing suddenly in modern history of China, and in that time, the old and new thoughts collided intensely. Lu Feikui received the education by his mother in his children time, and had taken the good habits of selfeducation. His diligent and steady character, progressive tendency and gifted business talent had formed primarily.
This article introduces Lu Feikui’s growing experience of children time, and analyzes the infection of such experience meanwhile.