出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 44-.

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  1. (《 语文报· 小学版》编辑部,太原,030024)
  • 出版日期:2007-11-15 发布日期:2007-11-15
  • 作者简介:闫银夫,《 语文报· 小学版》主编。

  • Online:2007-11-15 Published:2007-11-15


学习辅导类报刊有着天然的分版土壤和市场驱动。 分版的实质是产品细化。 分版的目的是创造
新的市场机会, 提供更加个性化的优质服务。 分版是一把双刃剑, 在实践探索中, 决策层务必要有理性, 既要
充分认识其优势, 又要清醒认识其风险, 尤其是要做好市场调研, 把握好分版的时机。

关键词: 分版 丨产品细化 , 丨优势 , 丨压力 , 丨参照


The publication for learning reference has the nature of split-edition and market-driven. The essence
of split-edition is market division. Its purpose is to expliot new market and provide more specific and excellent service.
In the practice and exploration of split-edition, the decision-makers must be reasonable, they should hold not only its
advantages, but also its risks. It is especially important for them to do well in market research and grasp the best time
to divide versions.