出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 41-.

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方 熠   

  1. ( 中国地质大学《 工程地球物理学报》编辑部, 武汉,430074)
  • 出版日期:2007-11-15 发布日期:2007-11-15
  • 作者简介:方熠,副教授,中国地质大学《 工程地球物理学报》主编。

  • Online:2007-11-15 Published:2007-11-15


本文提出并论述了新办科技期刊应加强特色定位工作, 重点要坚持办刊宗旨、 目标定位切合实
际, 发挥学科优势、 专业定位独树一帜, 重视内容创新、 风格定位求新求精, 稳定优质稿源、 发行定位贴近读
者; 并强调办刊宗旨和目标是前提, 准确专业定位和发挥学科优势定位是根本, 追求内容创新是关键, 稳定读

关键词: 科技期刊 丨特色 , 丨定位


The paper puts forward and exounds that the newly-managing sci-tech periodicals should be strengthened
four kinds of characteristic positioning, including objective one, specialized one, style one and distribution one. And
the author thinks that the publication objective and the goal is the premise, the accurate specialized positioning and
the superiority positioning is the foundation, the content innovation is the key, the stable community of readers and
authors is the basement.