出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 93-.

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两脚踏中西文化 一心评宇宙文章— — 读《 幽默大师林语堂》印象记


  1. ( 武汉理工大学出版社,武汉, 430070)
  • 出版日期:2007-03-15 发布日期:2007-03-15
  • 作者简介:鹿丽萍,女,武汉理工大学出版社副编审。

  • Online:2007-03-15 Published:2007-03-15


本文以《 幽默大师林语堂》 为文本, 概要评述了林语堂“ 两脚踏中西文化, 一心评宇宙文章”
的幽默文风和治学宗旨, 分析了林氏作为中国学者向世界传播中国文化的开先河者的意义, 肯定了林语堂其人
及其书在婚姻、 金钱、 教育等人生重大问题中展现的智慧。

关键词: 林语堂 丨幽默丨 文化 , 丨婚姻丨 金钱丨 教育


Based on the text Lin Yutang as a Humour Master, this article offers some comments on Lin Yutang's
humour writing style and his inquiry aim. That is generalized as“ becoming one bridge between Chinese culture and
western culture, writing more articles about human life and social history” by LinYutang himself. This article also
analyzes the contemporary importance that Lin Yutang, a China scholar, one of the beginners of carrying Chinese
culture into the western world, contributes for us. It highlights the wisdom which is shown in the thoughts about marriage, money and education in Lin Yutang' s works and his life.