出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 15-.

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇

出版竞争推动近代教科书的进步— — 以中华书局编写出版的教科书为例


  1. ( 武汉大学信息管理学院,武汉,430072)
  • 出版日期:2007-03-15 发布日期:2007-03-15
  • 作者简介:吴永贵,男,武汉大学信息管理学院出版科学系副教授。

  • Online:2007-03-15 Published:2007-03-15


近代教科书出版竞争十分激烈。 旧时坊间的教科书竞争, 从动机上讲, 是因为利之所在, 从最
终效果上看, 却促进了教科书质量的改善、 编写的创新、 价格的下降、 印装的进步和服务的提高。 本文以中华
书局编写出版的教科书为个案, 对上述五个方面进行了详细论述。

关键词: 教科书 丨出版竞争 , 丨中华书局


The competition of textbook publishing in latter-day China was very intense. From the motivation an
gle, the competition was driven by profit; but as a result, it improved the quality of the textbooks, innovated the
compiling and writing, decreased the prices of the textbooks, got ahead the printing and binding, and advanced the
services. This article takes the textbooks published by Chung Hwa Book Corporation as cases, and expounds the
above-mentioned five aspects in detail.