出版科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 103-.
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叶 建
《 图书评论》 作为国立编译馆主办的书评期刊, 带有强烈的官方色彩, 但是不能以此否认刊物在近 代书评期刊史上的地位和价值。 20 世纪 30 年代初,《 图书评论》 以书评的形式关注新兴学科的发展, 回应思 想文化界中重大问题的争论, 是当时办得较有特色的学术期刊。 但终因其语言风格在当时出版界、 学术界引 起诸多非议, 成为迄今为止评说纷纭的众多近代期刊之一。
关键词: 国立编译馆 丨社会史论战 , 丨《 东北史纲》 , 丨语言风格
book review,as the book review journa sponsored by the National Institute of compilation, has the strong official color, but we don’ t deny its status and value in the history of modern book review journals. In the early 1930s, with the form of book reviews , paid attention to the development of emerging disciplines, and responded the significant problems in the ideological and cultural controversy, so it became the academic journal with some distinctive features at that time. But because of its style language had aroused a lot of criticism in publishing circle and academic circle, and made it become one of the many modern periodicals which have controversy about the comments of their value and status so far.
叶 建. 《 图书评论》的刊物特色及语言风格争议[J]. 出版科学, 2012, 20(5): 103-.
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