出版科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 52-.
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莫 凡
摘要: 阅读终端的创新与发展,一直是出版业的关键性环节。按照产生的先后顺序,阅读终端相继有器物 终端、纸质终端和数字终端三种终端形式。目前数字终端的产生与发展,使纸质终端面临着共存还是消亡的 严峻考验。本文以整合营销传播的视角,通过比较纸质终端和数字终端的竞争优势,来剖析阅读终端的演变 规律。
Abstract: The innovation and development of the reading teminal has always been a key component in publishing process. Forms of reading teminal can be chronologically categorised into material, paper and digit. The invention and development of digital terminal have forced the paper form to a severe situation where a choice between coexisting and disappearing has to be made. With a comparison between the paper teminal and digital teminal, this essay will reveal the evolution patten of the reading teminal, from a perspective of IMC (Interrated of marketing communication).
莫 凡. 纸质终端与数字终端的比较化生存[J]. 出版科学, 2011, 19(2): 52-.
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