出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 8-.

• 专论 特约稿 • 上一篇    下一篇


[美]罗伯特· E · 艾文森 著 李 婕 译   

  1. ( The United States:The McGraw-Hill Companies,P.O.Box 182604,Columbus,OH 43272)
  • 出版日期:2007-01-15 发布日期:2007-01-15
  • 作者简介:罗伯特· E · 艾文森( Robert E. Evanson),美国麦格劳· 希尔教育集团前总裁,现为佩斯大学出版系顾问。 本文 是艾文森先生于 2006 年 11 月 2 日在首届数字时代出版产业发展与人才培养国际学术研讨会上所作的报告。 李婕,女,1980 年生,武汉大学信息管理学院出版发行学专业 2006 级硕士生。

  • Online:2007-01-15 Published:2007-01-15


本文就影响教育出版商及其读者、 学校、 地区及高等院校等的商业及科技发展趋势进行论述。
科技日益广泛的应用是不可避免的趋势, 这就要求出版公司建立新的组织结构, 开发新的产品和服务。 文章对
部分新的产品与服务进行了阐述, 其中两款是基于网络的产品。 一款应用于基础教育领域中, 帮助老师评判学
生期末考试成绩, 并向老师和校长提供测评报告的工具。 另一款则应用于高等教育领域, 是基于网络的人工智
能数学学习及评估系统, 该系统提供了一对一的教学, 而且可以一周七天, 一天二十四小时提供产品和服务。

关键词: 数字出版丨 教育出版 , 丨科技/商业趋势丨 Acuity ALEKS


This presentation will review the business and technology trends that are affecting educational publishers
as well as their customers, schools, districts, colleges, etc. The inevitable continued increase in technology usage
has created the need for new organizational structures, products and services by the publishing companies. Several of
these products and services will be discussed and two specific web-based offerings will be demonstrated. In the elementary school area, a tool that helps classroom teachers diagnose students' success in summative tests, and provides diagnostic reports for teacher and principal will be demonstrated. In the higher education area, a web-based artificially
intelligent assessment and learning system in mathematics that provides one on one instruction, 24/7, will be demonstrated. The challenges that these and other internet textbooks create for the educational publisher will be outlined as
well as the opportunities they create.