出版科学 ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 105-.

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顾 颉 刚 与 朴 社

李 雅   

  1. ( 北京大学信息管理系,北京,100871)
  • 出版日期:2010-01-15 发布日期:2010-01-15
  • 作者简介:李雅,北京大学信息管理系 2006 级博士生。

  • Online:2010-01-15 Published:2010-01-15


朴社是民国时期知识分子创办的一家较为成功的出版机构。 作为朴社的领导者, 顾颉刚做出了
一系列成果: 他参与创办上海朴社, 之后以一人之力重组北京朴社, 巩固事业基础; 编写出版了《 古史辨》 和
《 辨伪丛刊》 等学术书籍, 积极推动出版事业的发展; 挖掘和培养青年作者, 扩大学术研究队伍和出版队伍。 朴

关键词: 朴社 丨顾颉刚 , 丨《 古史辨》


Pu Press is a successful publishing press originated by intellectuals in the early twentieth century China.
As the leader of Pu Press, Gu Jiegang made a series of achievements. Firstly, he participated in originating Shanghai
Pu Press, and rebuilt it in Beijing by himself, which consolidated the foundation of career at last. Secondly, he
compiled and published many academic works such as and
in order to promote the development of Pu Press’ publishing. Thirdly, he identified and trained young writers
so as to expand the research group as well as the publishing group. Pu Press set a good example for those intellectuals
who planned to participate in publishing later.