出版科学 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 47-.

• 编辑学 编辑工作 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (山东大学新闻传播学院,济南,250100)
  • 出版日期:2020-05-15 发布日期:2020-05-21
  • 作者简介:杨新忠,山东大学新闻传播学院副教授,南昌大学艺术与设计学院副教授。
  • 基金资助:
    本文系江西省教育科学“十三五”规划课题“艺术设计学科毕业设计跨方向合作研究”(19YB003)、南昌大 学教改课题“艺术设计学科毕业设计跨方向合作研究”(NCUJGLX-17-74)系列成果之一。

  • Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-05-21

摘要: [ 摘 要 ] 统计分析17年 371本“中国最美的书”获奖作品外形的“最美”亮点,探索“中国最美的 书”获奖作品外形创新设计与工艺的特色。以调研数据为基础,从获奖作品外形创新设计与工艺特色中 的线装裸脊、书边打毛、外形巧切、书口刷色、空白印刷五个方面进行论述,最后总结出坚守传统文化 的创新回归、注重书籍互动体验的构建、工匠精神提升书籍的价值乃是现代书籍设计的三个主题。

Abstract: [Abstract] Taking the promotion and development of the award of “the beauty of books in China” as an example, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the “Most Beautiful” highlights of the shape of 371 award-winning books in 17 years, and explores the characteristics of the innovative design and technology of the shape of the award-winning book of “the beauty of books in China”. Based on the investigation data,
 this paper discusses five main aspects of the innovative design and technical features of the shape of the winning books, namely, the thread-bound Bare Ridge, the fluff on the edge of the book, the ingenious shape, the brush color on the mouth of the book, and the blank printing. At last, it concludes that sticking to the traditional culture, paying attention to the construction of interactive experience, and improving the value of books by artisan spirit are the three themes of modern book design.
