出版科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 27-029.

• 编辑学 编辑工作 • 上一篇    下一篇

           ——以《菊苑留痕:首都图书馆藏北京各京剧院 团老戏单(1951—1966)》的编辑出版为例


  • 出版日期:2013-03-15 发布日期:2013-03-15
  • 作者简介:潘占伟,学苑出版社编辑。

The Academic Consciousness of Editors in the Publishing Process   

Pan Zhanwei   

  • Online:2013-03-15 Published:2013-03-15



关键词: 京剧文献,  老戏单,  保存当下,  口述与访谈,  服务意识


Taking the publication of Old Playbills of Peking Opera Theaters and Troupes of Beijing Collected in Capital Library(1951—1966) as an example, the paper emphasizes that executive editor of literature and books about Peking Opera should foster greater academic consciousness, increase academic content and add values to the manuscripts maximally based on current resources, and strengthen service consciousness.

Key words: Peking Opera literature; Old playbill; Current resources reservation; Dictation and interview;   ,  , Service consciousness