出版科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 82-.

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传统出版的数字蓝海— — 基于蓝海理论框架分析

王洪建 边 瑶   

  1. ( 上海理工大学,上海,200093)
  • 出版日期:2009-07-15 发布日期:2009-07-15
  • 作者简介:王洪建,上海理工大学传播学专业 2007 级硕士生;边瑶,上海理工大学传播学专业 2008 级硕士生。

  • Online:2009-07-15 Published:2009-07-15


随着数字出版时代的到来, 传统出版社亟须突破目前激烈的红海竞争, 尝试向数字出版领域转
型, 开辟一片属于自己的蓝海。 本文运用蓝海战略理论中的“ 剔除— 减少— 增加— 创造” 四步动作框架, 对传
统出版社如何结合自身优势发现蓝海, 如何降低市场进入风险, 以及怎样提升价值增长点, 开拓新的发展空间
进行深入分析, 提出对策和建议。


With the coming of digital publishing era, traditional publishing houses should break out of the current
fierce “ Red Sea” competition, try to transform to digital publishing, and open up a “ Blue Ocean” for them. By
using the four-step “ delete-reduce-increase-create” framework of the Blue Ocean strategy, the author conducts an
analysis on the traditional publishing houses how to take advantage of their own strength in search of “ Blue Ocean”,
how to reduce the risk of entry into the market, how to raise the growth point of value, and how to explore new space
for development, and furthermore, comes up with some correspondent strategies and suggestions