出版科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 106-.

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20 世纪50 年代美国漫画行业自律制度探微

王 清 咸秀柔   

  1. (武汉大学信息管理学院,武汉,430072)
  • 出版日期:2019-03-15 发布日期:2019-03-15
  • 作者简介:王清,法学博士,武汉大学信息管理学院教授、博士生导师 ;咸秀柔,武汉大学信息管理学院 2016 级硕士生。

Study on American Comic Industry’s Self-Regulation : From the Perspecitve of 1954 Senate Hearings

  • Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-03-15

摘要: [ 摘 要] 20 世纪50 年代,犯罪恐怖漫画在美国风靡一时,美国公众认为犯罪恐怖漫画会对青少年产生不利影响, 掀起了一场全国性反漫画运动。1954 年,美国参议院召开听证会专门调查犯罪恐怖漫画与青少年犯罪问题,听证 会结束后,美国漫画行业成立了美国漫画杂志协会。由此,美国漫画行业开始了长达几十年的行业自律以规范漫 画书的内容。本文回顾美国漫画行业自律的历史渊源和背景以及1954 年美国参议院听证会的经过,从政治、经 济、文化多方面探究美国漫画行业自律的深层原因,分析行业自律对美国漫画行业以及美国社会的深远影响。

Abstract: [Abstract] In the 1950s,crime and horror comics were popular in the United States. The public believed that crime and horror comics would adversely affect young people and set off a national anti-comics campaign. In 1954,the US Senate held a hearing to investigate crime and horror comics and juvenile delinquency,and the American Comic Magazine Association established by the comics industry after the hearing. As a result, the American comic industry began decades of self-regulation to regulate the content of comic books. This paper reviews the historical origins and backgrounds of self-discipline in the American comics industry and the process of the US Senate hearing in 1954. It explores the deep reasons for the self-regulation of the American comic industry from political,economic,and cultural perspectives,and analyzes the self-regulation’s farreaching impacts on the American comic industry itself and American society as a whole.