出版科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 65-.

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  1. ( 新疆大学人文学院,乌鲁木齐,830046)
  • 出版日期:2011-07-15 发布日期:2011-07-15
  • 作者简介:朱冬梅,新疆大学人文学院讲师。

  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15


依据新疆出版业和本地人才需求现状, 提出编辑出版类专业应用型人才培养目标。 在兼具一般应用
型人才素质基础上, 提出具有先进意识、 技能扎实的应用型人才作为新疆编辑出版教育培养人才的特色。 结
合人才培养目标, 探讨课程体系与当地文化结合, 实践有特色的人才培养模式。

关键词: 新疆丨编辑出版类专业 , 丨培养目标 , 丨培养模式


Based on the situation of publishing industry and demand for talents in Xinjiang, this paper points out
that we should frame the cultivating objectives of application-oriented talents in editing and publishing program. In addition to the quality of basic characteristics of the general application-oriented talents, the
author thinks that developing application-oriented talents who have advanced awareness and solid skills is the
main feature of the cultivating objective of publishing education in Xinjiang.Combining with cultivating objectives,
the author explores the special training mode in which curriculum system has adjusted to local cultural development.