出版科学 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 13-.

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇

《 读书》杂志的美学追求


  1. ( 武汉大学信息管理学院,武汉,430072)
  • 出版日期:2013-07-15 发布日期:2013-07-15
  • 作者简介:庞海音,文学博士,武汉大学博士后流动站、中国新闻出版研究院博士后,郑州师范学院讲师

  • Online:2013-07-15 Published:2013-07-15


《 读书》 杂志尽力展示当代中国知识分子的思想面貌, 满足其多方面的文化需求, 并以宽容理性的文
化品格、 丰富深刻的思想内涵以及独特自由的审美风格, 形成了自己独特的文化个性, 建构了当代中国最重要的
思想文化论坛和宝贵的知识分子言论空间。 其深入浅出、 雅俗共赏、 亦庄亦谐的特征, 形成了既不乏对学术文化
界的前沿思考, 又坚持大众化的轻松活泼的独特风格, 并获得知识界的认同和赞赏。


DUSHU endeavors to demonstrate the ideological aspects of contemporary Chinese intellectuals
and satisfy their cultural needs in many ways. Besides, it has developed its unique cultural character and
constructed the most important ideological and cultural forum and speech space for intellectuals by its tolerance an
d rationality, profound and exuberant connotation and unique and liberal aesthetics. It can explain profound things
in such a simple way that it suits both refined and popular tastes and possesses characteristics of solemnity and
humor. As a result, it has formed its inimitable style of combining both academic thinking and popular taste
and thus has gained the recognition and appreciation from the large majority of Chinese intellectuals.