出版科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 70-.

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石 丹 王 涛   

  1. (三亚学院财经学院, 三亚, 572022)
  • 出版日期:2018-03-15 发布日期:2018-03-15
  • 作者简介:石丹,三亚学院财经学院副教授 ;王涛,三亚学院财经学院副教授,海南省文化产业研究中心副研究员。
  • 基金资助:

    本文系 2018 年度海南省高等学校科学研究重点项目(Hnky2018ZD-10)研究成果。

Research on Competitiveness of Provincial Publishing Industry Based on Dynamic Factor

  • Online:2018-03-15 Published:2018-03-15


文章借助动态因子分析法对我国 2004—2015 年各区域出版业竞争力情况进行横向静态比较和纵向
动态变化分析。 研究表明 :(1) 我国出版业竞争力评价等级的区域分布由东到西大致呈现逐步降低的形态, 与
黑河-腾冲线划分的区域格局有一定相似性 ;(2) 各区域出版业竞争力变化规律不一, 波动幅度较大, 且受金融
危机影响显著 ;(3) 各区域在所提取的公因子上既有优势也有劣势, 因此区域出版业竞争力提升政策的侧重点
并不一致。 最后, 根据实证分析结论, 有针对性地给出区域出版业竞争力提升的政策建议。


Through dynamic factor analysis, horizontal static comparison and longitudinal dynamic analysis
on regional publishing industrial competitiveness in China since the year from 2004 to 2015, it shows :(1) the
regional distribution of China’s publishing industry competitiveness decreases from east to west which has
a certain similarity to the pattern of regional division by Heihe-Tengchong line.(2) The regional publishing
industry competitiveness changes differently and fluctuate sharply, and affected by the financial crisis
significantly.(3) Each region has both advantages and disadvantages in terms of the extracted common
factors, so the emphasis of policy promoting regional publishing industrial competitiveness is not consistent.
Finally, according to the conclusions of empirical analysis, some policies and recommendations are given for
promoting regional publishing industrial competitiveness.