出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 72-.

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  1. ( 南开大学文学院 ,天津,300071)
  • 出版日期:2007-11-15 发布日期:2007-11-15
  • 作者简介:杨洪升,文学博士,南开大学文学院副教授。

  • Online:2007-11-15 Published:2007-11-15


缪荃孙好古若痴, 终生勤于编刻丛书。 在选本上, 他注重罕见之书, 以及习见之书版本后出转
精者, 注重乡邦文献, 以及有价值的零星小品与讲究实学的典籍。 所刻各书, 在校雠上用功甚巨, 在辑佚方面
也取得了很大成就。 他刻书有严谨的校刻程序, 所刻丛书质量皆高。


Ardently loving ancient books, Miao Quansun made vigorous efforts to compile and publish
collections in his whole life. In his selection of books for publishing, Miao tended to select the rare and perfect
emendations; he attached importance to selecting writings written by his own village and town, writings of sound learning
and scattered pieces with local documentary values. Before a collection was published, he always made vigorous
efforts to collate and find disappeared articles, and got great achievements. There were strict procedures in the course
of publishing, so all of books he published were fine ones.