出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 46-.

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读图时代“ 图文本”的优劣得失

喻 纬   

  1. (江苏教育出版社,南京,210009)
  • 出版日期:2007-03-15 发布日期:2007-03-15
  • 作者简介:喻纬,男,1945 年生,安徽绩溪人,江苏教育出版社编审。

  • Online:2007-03-15 Published:2007-03-15


通过案例研究指出“ 图文本” 实现图文互动的若干编辑原则与方法: 图片的选择与配置应由该
书的出版目的和读者的阅读使用目的决定; 豪华并非“ 图文本” 的出版要素; 编印原创性图片要完全保真复原,

关键词: 图文本 丨案例研究丨 阅读目的 , 丨原创丨 传世


The essay, based on the study of illustrated books, points out some editorial principles and methods
in course of photo-text interaction. The aim of the publication and the reader's intended target should be the decisive
consideration in choosing photos and arranging them. Deluxe design is not the essential part of an illustrated book. We
should collect original photos, restore them in an exact way so that it looks like a real one, and have them gone down
to posterity.