出版科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 49-.

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基于“ 集团剩余”的出版业集团化运营之机理研究

史 征   

  1. ( 浙江传媒学院文化创意学院,杭州,310018)
  • 出版日期:2012-03-15 发布日期:2012-03-15
  • 作者简介:史征,浙江传媒学院文化创意学院副教授。
  • 基金资助:

    本文系浙江省哲学社会科学规划重大项目“ 浙江文化产业发展的路径依赖、水平测定与政策引导”( 09JDCB001ZD)

  • Online:2012-03-15 Published:2012-03-15


展的重要载体。 集团具有聚集经济性和良好的学习效应, 使得集团内各出版发行机构的长期平均成本不断降
低, 成本节约效应显著; 集团是包括产业政策在内的各项政策的集聚地, 具备相对完善的公共平台等支撑条
件, 使得集团内出版发行机构获得比集团外企业更多的收益, 两者的共同效应导致集团内的出版发行机构无
论是在成本还是收益上都对集团外企业形成相对优势, 产生类似于产业集群剩余的出版集团“ 集团剩余”。 这
也是出版集团形成、 维系和发展的直接经济驱动力。

关键词: 产业集群 丨出版业 , 丨集团剩余丨 成本丨 收益


The agglomeration development of the publishing industry is an important way to advance prosperity of the culture industry, and the publishing groups is an important carrier of the clustering development of Chinese cultural industry.
The agglomeration economic characteristic and great learning effects that groups have reduce the long-term average cost
of the publishing and distribution institutions in groups, and their benefits are obvious. Group is home of various polices,
including industrial polices, and it provides supporting conditions, such as a relatively perfect public platform, so that
it can bring more income to the publishing and distribution institutions in groups than those out of groups. The common
benefits of the two above gain advantage for publishing and distribution companies in cost and income, and result in the
group surplus of the publishing group, which is similar to the industrial clusters surplus. It is also the direct economic
driving force for the formation, maintenance and development of publishing groups.