出版科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 40-.

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我国书号调控政策探析— — 以图书种数与平均印数的比较为视角

田 智   

  1. ( 译林出版社,南京,210009)
  • 出版日期:2007-01-15 发布日期:2007-01-15
  • 作者简介:田智,男,北京国际关系学院国际新闻系法学学士,南京大学公共管理硕士,美国密歇根州立大学大众传播学院访 问学者,现在南京译林出版社工作。

  • Online:2007-01-15 Published:2007-01-15


本文用时间序列回归分析法分析了我国图书市场 1981 至 2005 年的发展特点,预测了未来的发展
趋势, 并进一步探讨了现行书号调控政策与我国图书市场发展趋势的关系。 从模型分析可知, 我国的图书市场
呈现出图书种数逐年增加和平均每种图书印数逐年下降的发展趋势, 图书市场的发展要求与书号总量调控政策
之间存在着冲突关系。 本文建议出版行政部门完善书号调控政策。

关键词: 出版 丨书号调控政策 , 丨图书种数 , 丨图书印数


This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of the Chinese publishing industry between 1981 and
2005 and calculating the future trend by applying the method of time sequence analysis. The relationship between the
current ISBN control policy and the development trend of the publishing industry has been further studied. It has been
observed through analysis of the model that the domestic publishing industry has been characterized by the annual increase in the total number of book titles and the annual decrease in the average print-run during the past two decades. It
is obvious that there exists the conflicting relationship between the demand of the industry and the ISBN control po-licy.
Reorientation of the ISBN policy by the publishing administration has been suggested at the end of this paper.