出版科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 61-.

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  1. 闽江学院人文学院,福州,350108
  • 出版日期:2021-09-15 发布日期:2021-10-04
  • 作者简介:王念祖,管理学博士,闽江学院人文学院教授、台湾南华大学华文趋势出版研究中心研究员 ;吴慧君, 闽江学院人文学院科研助理。
  • 基金资助:
    本文系 2018 年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“我国台湾地区图书出版与阅读文化的历史变迁研究

Analysis of Bestselling Factors of Books Based on Reader Audience Book Review :
An Exploration on the Dangdang.com Bestseller List

  1. College of Humanities, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, 350108
  • Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-10-04


采用内容分析法,对当当网历史类畅销书的读者书评内容进行“编码”,从中归纳整理出以下 5 个影响历史类图书畅销的关键因素 :(1)重视读者阅读兴趣和阅读体验 ;(2)思考娱乐消遣阅读心理的转向;(3)关注实用主义和功利主义的阅读需求;(4)突出历史写作的个性化和多样化;(5)强调图书的选题策划和营销推广。并在此基础上提出两项思考:(1)从重视书籍“内容”本身,转向关注依托书籍内容的“服务”;(2)从“作者中心”的书籍制作转向“编辑中心”的书籍制作。希望能为出版机构打造畅销书、更好地掌握图书出版市场,提出有效建议。

关键词: 畅销书 内容分析法 编码 阅读史 读者书评


This paper uses the content analysis method to “code” the readers’ book review content of Dangdang’s history bestsellers, and summarizes the following five key factors affecting the bestselling of history books :(1) pay attention to readers’reading interest and reading experience ;(2) thinking about recreation and reading psychology ;(3) pay attention to the reading needs of pragmatism and utilitarianism ;(4) highlight the individuation and diversification of historical writing ;(5) emphasize the topic selection planning and marketing promotion of books. On this basis, two thoughts are put forward: (1) from paying attention to the “content” of books to paying attention to the “service” embedded in the content of books;(2)from the book production of“author center” to the book production of “editing center”. It is hoped that it can create best sellers for publishing institutions, better grasp the book publishing market and put forward effective suggestions.

Key words: Bestsellers Content analysis method Coding Reading history Readers’book , review
